MDstaffers doubles its office space in Rancho Cordova after seven straight years of growth

By Emily Hamann  –  Staff Writer, Sacramento Business Journal
Oct 19, 2022

After another year of triple-digit growth, MDstaffers has moved into a bigger office — although it didn’t go far.

On Tuesday the health care staffing firm announced it had finished its move from its old office at 2941 Sunrise Blvd. in Rancho Cordova to a new office about a block away at 2865 Sunrise.

The move doubles the size of MDstaffers’ space to around 10,500 square feet, Chief Operating Officer Ryan Larkin said.

“We were just busting at the seams of our last place, especially in the last couple years of growing so fast,” he said. “We had to turn our last employee lounge into a workspace just because we were running out of space.”

MDstaffers has seen exponential growth since it was acquired and reorganized in 2015. In recent years, much of the growth has been driven by the company’s early investment into expanding service for telehealth and mental health, which saw explosive demand during the pandemic.

In 2021, MDstaffers had $30 million in revenue, a 300% increase over three years.

The company had been in its old space since 2018, when it had 13 employees.

Now, it has around 40 and is looking to bring on more. Soon, Larkin said they plan to hire up to 10 more employees.

When it was looking for its new space, Larkin said they considered leaving Rancho Cordova.

“In the last probably three years, when we considered where we wanted the business to be for our next phase of growth, we considered a lot of different options, including moving out of state,” he said.

Larkin said there were a number of factors that convinced them to stay.

“The city of Rancho Cordova has been fantastic to us,” he said.

Another factor was the labor force in the Sacramento region, particularly in health care.

“The talent pool in the Sacramento region, it’s been instrumental in our growth,” Larkin said.

He said their landlord, Ethan Conrad, made it simple to find the new space. Through both of its office upscales, MDstaffers has moved from one of Conrad’s properties to the other.

“Sometimes when you find good partners, you’ve got to keep them close,” Larkin said. “The city has been a good partner and our landlord has been a good partner.”